4 Key Secrets for a Killer Video Marketing Strategy


March 24, 2020

Written by

Jeslen Bas-ilan

Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs. 

In recent years, a growing number of small to large-scale businesses have seen the favorable effects of video marketing. Video marketing has become widely accepted as a powerful component of digital marketing as it provides valuable information and entertainment to businesses’ core audiences. There is no question that videos serve as one of the strong driving forces behind a successful marketing strategy.

Having said that, carefully analyzing what boosts viewer interest is an essential requirement before integrating videos into one’s marketing plans. It is not enough to create or publish a catchy video without a clear message or a well-defined purpose. Video marketing content must be planned carefully to effectively capture audience attention and keep them engaged. As such, knowing what topics and content compel a specific group of viewers is an essential requirement in building rapport with potential and existing clients.

It is therefore important for businesses that aim to have a successful video marketing campaign to consider four definitive rules in using video as part of their promotional strategy.

The four essential rules are as follows:

1. Create a Plan

Planning is crucial for businesses wanting to incorporate video marketing in their blueprint for action. Without foresight, video production will be ineffective. As such, strictly following the SMART outline, which answers the 5 Ws and 1 H一Who, What, Where, When and How一in video creation and marketing is of utmost importance. 

Specific: Goals must be clearly defined to precisely identify underlying problems and/or opportunities.

Measurable: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are vital in evaluating the current progress of each video content strategy.

Achievable: Objectives can be complex but should be attainable; unrealistic goals may only lead to a decrease in motivation.

Relevant: Plans have to deliver outstanding solutions to businesses’ primary problems.

Timely: Deadlines need to be imposed as time-constrained goals create a sense of urgency.

2. Start with Doable Videos

There are different types of compelling videos that cater to different audiences. Businesses must be knowledgeable about the perfect type of video with the highest potential to convert leads into paying customers and transform existing customers into loyal followers.

There are three influential content styles currently being used for video marketing.

  1. Educational videos, which enable businesses to show their knowledge and expertise, are informative guides followed by most viewers. A substantial amount of educational videos will often result in better customer experience. 
  2. Inspirational videos are usually about fantastic travel encounters, phenomenal events, or life-altering motivational content that either inspire or impress audiences.
  3. Entertaining videos evoke people’s sense of humor, thus arousing their curiosity and interest in one's brand.

Businesses that are just starting out with video content creation should determine their core audiences’ interests before producing videos. In the event that businesses lack the information they need due to certain constraints, they can start by focusing on videos that they have the most familiarity and experience in creating. As for the content, businesses can make the introduction of their brand’s personality the subject of their initial videos. 

3. Produce Videos

Video creation is undoubtedly daunting for those who are new to the process. Adding the fact that businesses should be sticklers for perfection as they have a reputation to protect, the pressure can at times be overwhelming. The outcome of a finished promotional video is an important factor in the decision-making of leads and customers. The message conveyed in each video will serve as the catalyst on whether customers will stick with the brand or not. 

It is, however, wiser to embark on creating videos provided that they bring value to the table. After all, viewers will surely express their positive and negative feedback and help businesses improve the quality of their video content.

While high-end DSLRs and other filming tools are crucial to achieve that eye-catching cinematic effect, small businesses will have to dismiss the idea at the moment and work with what they have. There is a bright side to this, though. The advent of technology expanded the capabilities and features of handheld devices and gadgets. Smartphones can offer the capability of shooting videos even for companies with limited equipment and resources. 

If the video marketing strategy yields concrete results, businesses can upgrade to professional camera equipment as well as hire skilled video editors who are successful in producing premium quality videos.

4. Incorporate SEO

Videos are created to inform and entertain prospects and clients; hence, their searchability must be improved. This is of the utmost importance if businesses aspire to reach a wider audience. As such, the crucial elements of YouTube SEO, namely keywords and hashtags, should be leveraged for optimum results. 

When adding keywords and hashtags under the description section, taking their relevance into account is essential to protect brand reputation. Other than including words that best reflect the content of videos to be uploaded, a better approach is to research other ideas through YouTube’s Search Suggest feature. The suggested keywords that correlate to the previously typed word are the trending terms used when finding the appropriate videos for an end-user’s needs. In conjunction with what has been mentioned, discovering and using the effective phrases that businesses’ competitors use should also be carried out.

Optimizing SEO for videos can likewise rank videos on Google search engines, effectively driving higher traffic to one’s website. Generally, Google bases its video results more often on the top 5 keywords, which includes how-tos, reviews, tutorials, fitness and sports, and funny videos.

The Bottom Line: Do not Ignore Video Marketing

With the growing popularity of videos, businesses must not ignore people’s clamor for interesting videos. Despite the fact that video marketing can be arduous at first for startups and small businesses, it should be noted that a consistent and flexible video ad strategy will be instrumental. The more effectively a brand acquires more customers, the increased exposure will contribute to making video production more flawless. The most important point is to take the first necessary step in creating authentic videos with compelling imagery and story. Create storyboards for each video in such a way that the brand’s clear message and call to action are delivered to boost the likelihood of inbound leads and conversion.

Presently, viewers are quick to reject self-promotional videos. In response, businesses should eliminate doubts they may have about producing videos and brainstorm on how they can use it to attract their target audiences. As long as they focus on building their brand’s personality, identity, and authority and addressing customers’ real problems through uploading native content businesses can transform videos into a multi-faceted tool for pitching sales and building relations with their audience.

It is also worth noting that videos encourage shares and get more clicks; hence, businesses must maintain consistency and creativity in uploading videos. More importantly, every video must be of great value to create familiarity, trust, and loyalty among target customers.

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