How to Create a Communication Strategy


March 7, 2022

Written by

Merlene Leano

A business that lacks communication skills can wind up like a lonely child in a sandbox with nobody to play with. Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and so it is imperative to develop an effective communication strategy for your company to stay on track. Without a clear-cut system and plan on customer communication, there could be an adverse impact on your operations’ stability and progress.

The secret to establishing effective interaction with your customers is to focus on developing a comprehensive communication strategy. By brainstorming strategies for development communication, you minimize risks of circulating incorrect information about your business or using marketing strategies that do not resound well with your target audience. In the same manner, managing communication within the company goes hand in hand with B2C interaction. Doing so allows the smooth exchange, progression, and processing of data across all levels in a hierarchy.

For a clearer idea on the importance of an enhanced communication strategy, first you need to learn the key elements of a communication strategy. Understand the step by step process on how to choose and implement a tactic that fits into your business's objectives.

What is a Communication Strategy in Business?

Communication is not just a simple verbal or written exchange of ideas and information. In business terms, it plays a critical role in learning, building relationships, and establishing trust, which is essential for success.

Communication strategies serve as your company's guide in accomplishing your short and long-term goals. As such, the first thing that you and your team must focus on is to develop these crucial skills:

  • You should listen effectively to understand customers
  • You should speak up when necessary
  • Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions
  • Present your ideas persuasively.

Adapting a methodical and thoughtful manner when interacting with leads and customers does not mean emanating a robotic demeanor or relying solely on spiels to take care of everything. Yes, spiels can help as your guide, but you also need to be cautious and mindful of what customers say about your business as well as what interested buyers frequently ask about your services. Remember, communication is a two-way street. Hence, to be strategic about it also means to be a good listener to your intended market.

It will help immensely no matter what type of business you have!

How to Develop a Communication Strategy: Step by Step Plan

The first thing to understand on how to develop effective communication strategies is it is not about listing the best method to execute it. Rather, it should be centered on how you implement it in your business. There are underlying elements instrumental in establishing the channels and approaches you use.

According to a study, 89% of people feel communication is essential for work. Yet, some companies still rate their existing interactive practices as either average or poor. 

Research Your Competitors

Communication strategy consists of analyzing your competitor. It will help if you find out your competitor’s gameplan on how to develop a communication strategy. The insight you gain generates valuable information for developing your own unique vision.

Get to know their strengths, weaknesses, success, and failures, then compare your ideas and avoid the same mistakes. Use it to outdo their achievements and keep customers engaged.

Say you are opening a new apparel business, try to list why some competitors failed while others succeeded in running their business.

Find your Target Audience

How to build a communication strategy by finding your target audience?

It is significant to clearly define the group of people that are most likely to purchase your product or service. It is also one of the keys to successful communication. 

The target audience consists of individuals or the demographic that companies are attempting to reach. In our digital age, targeting included reaching the right person, with the appropriate content and at the proper place and timing. This can be done by gathering information via surveys, website traffic, or taking a look at any competitors' social media pages. 

After gathering insights, you can develop a persona for your target audience. For example, your services may be designed for working mothers who are between the ages of 25 to 40. Your company’s advertisements and sales pitches will then revolve around how they are actively involved in their home, community, and in the workforce. In short, you align your message with areas of concern that are relevant to their daily lifestyle and struggles.

Identify the objectives of the business.

Business objectives exist to give a clear direction to your operations, marketing, and customer service efforts. Typically, business goals are focused on:

  • Profitability
  • Excellent customer service
  • Increase your product market share
  • Grow the organization
  • Marketing

Each progression of your communication plan ought to connect with the goals. The best way to attain that is through discussing key pointers of your strategy as a group. It can be through a weekly meeting or brainstorming session with the essential departments in your company.

Identify the objectives of communication.

The most crucial key element of communication strategy is identifying and setting the desired results that your business aims to achieve by improving it.

Set quantifiable metrics and a specific time frame for how and when these objectives should be met.. If a company can establish a goal of 30000 units in the first six months, then the time frame is specific, and measurable at the same time.

Communication objectives can range from the following:

  • Building awareness
  • Providing education
  • Promoting the brand, product, or service
  • Imparting knowledge

Determine Suitable Channels of Communication.

The combination of the internet and technology has opened doors for multiple channels for people and businesses to connect. It’s no secret that customer service is crucial to a brand’s long-term success. Understanding potential pitfalls and triumphs in your customers’ journey with your services is instrumental to provide an outstanding customer experience.

Since customers interact across multiple channels, businesses these days need to are being compelled to include omnichannel assistance as a new communication strategy.

Omnichannel communication involves using different channels to connect with customers, These channels are highly familiar and frequently used by the target audience to help build a strong B2C relationship and retain them in the process. There are the best practices in omnichannel customer service that would help you in building a  communication strategy that you can check out and see whether it suits your business model and customers’ demands.

Determine the publishing frequency.

This step is applicable when using B2C connections for raising brand awareness. Create a content calendar and plot the frequency at which content is published across the social media channels of your team’s choice. You can research the best time to post on different social media platforms. If your target audience lives across the country, you should consider posting content when they are most likely online.

Perfecting your content and ad’s timing online has a significant impact on your inbound metrics. It dramatically increases the chances of building an audience, converting leads, and retaining customers.

You can also use a calendar to schedule newsletter releases, promotional events, or product updates.

Benefits of Outsourcing Communications for Businesses

Now that you know the steps of creating a communication strategy, you are still left with the question: 

How to implement a communication strategy?

Tne answer is to outsource communication. 

Several companies globally have experienced the advantages of outsourcing, from delegating core tasks to entry-level positions to maximize time and resources. Similarly, communications outsourcing boosts the effectiveness of your efforts to bridge gaps with customers. You gain access to a higher tier of expertise that may not be easily sourced within your location. 

Get more work done in a shorter span while seamlessly trying multiple modes of communication including voice, IM, email, and SMS. The bigger the coverage, the better. Communication outsourcing aims to make all interactions as easy, quick, and convenient as possible.

To understand why outsourcing is the best decision for your business along with its importance in communication, below are some of outsourcing’s most notable benefits:

Enhances flexibility 

Most companies can scale their workforce requirements according to their needs, but there are instances where finding the right people for the tasks may not be as easy. You can't hire the right employee for the required job just overnight. While in outsourcing companies, they can help to make your business more flexible and able to adapt to changing market conditions and challenges. 

Time-Efficient and Cost-Effective 

Unlike in-house hiring, outsourcing companies already have defined time management protocols, can act independently and remotely from the overall internal business operations, and achieve the targets at a fraction of the regular expense.

Outsourcing company specializes in the tasks you want them to carry out for you and can help you achieve a more effective and efficient service. Also, it is cost-saving since it can help you release capital for investment in other areas of your business.

Easy integration 

On occasion, a business might be utilizing more than one communication channel. Outsourcing makes it simple to coordinate and disperse different communication software and assets that are crucial for sustaining your business' operations.

For example, SMS and instant messaging is applicable for a population of customers located in urbanized areas, where technology and mobile phone use are inflexible. Simultaneously, email marketing can be executed through a company that specializes in making email content for companies.

Demand services as needed

There are times when you will only need a workforce when it is only required. Or, you will need to hire staff on a short-term per-project basis. The best thing about outsourcing is that you can only hire them when the need arises, unlike in-house staff that you need to pay regularly and cover for their benefits.

Builds the brand to a global audience

Outsourcing paves the way for engaging with different cultures, customs, and work environments. Expanding your horizons as a business is important if you want to see your customers eye-to-eye. It ensures you have the right kind of backup should you decide to take on an international audience. Preserve work-related connections among in-house employees, outsourced workforce, business partners, and more importantly, new and existing customers. Worldwide flexibility in communication reflects positively on a business' integrity and image.


Building a communication strategy is a process and may take several trials and errors before reaching a tactic that works best for your business. Likewise, you have to guarantee that your business interacts with target customers in the best way possible.

Now that you know how to create a communication strategy, you have to choose the right outsourcing company that meets your business needs. The outsourcing company you choose to partner with can spell success or failure. It might require some research, but the payoff will be worth it once you land the perfect BPO company for your objectives.

New Media Services is an outsourcing company that provides seamless, effective, and efficient customer experience through our omnichannel contact center solutions. Also powered by both human and AI capabilities, our services cover email, live chat, call center, and escalation management. Get customized solutions to enhance your customers' brand experience.

Imagine the possibilities that a partnership with a well-rounded outsourcing company can mean for your business! Contact us today!

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