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a softphone
What Is a Softphone, Its Features, and Benefits for Your Business

The days of the landline phone are now gone. As the virtual becomes a trend, flexible communication solutions are becoming more and more essential. The Internet that connects people from all walks of life has played a vital role to make communication easier and faster. Part of the innovative ways to communicate with the customer […]

By Merlene Leano
customer thinking of his/her needs
How to Identify Customer Needs: Step by Step Guide

Customers―indispensable contributors to the success of all businesses. These are the people who can directly affect your business' progress, and so making them experience superior assistance is of utmost importance. The best starting point to deliver that is by learning how to identify client needs and expectations. No matter how good your product may be,no […]

By Merlene Leano
quality assurance banner
The Importance of Quality Assurance in the Contact Center

How does a company improve its services and customer experience? The answer is quality assurance. ‘ Quality Experience Just for You.’ This is the motto of every service provider and manufacturer of household brands. The statement holds, especially in contact centers. Today, around 60,850 contact centers exist around the globe. Day in and day out, […]

By Stephanie Walker
game controller and icons
Customer Service in Gaming Industry: Importance and Challenges

The gaming industry offers an engaging diversion for people at home looking for social interaction. The said leisurely activity is defined as playing e-games conducted through multiple means, such as using computers, consoles, or mobile phones. Due to the COVID-1 pandemic, people mostly stay at home, which is why several people are turning to game […]

By Stephanie Walker
two persons having a business engagement
How to Boost Customer Engagement: 5 Successful Engagement Strategies

Have you tried checking your social media posts last Monday? No likes yet? What about your blogs? Zero readers? How about your newsletter? Still, no subscribers? Surely, you’ve been trying your best to produce high-quality content. Yet how come it seems like you’re still being left behind? Let’s look at it from a different perspective. […]

By Merlene Leano

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