Provide your customers across the globe with the support they deserve through our multilingual voice customer service. With our voice support services, you can expand your customer coverage boost your workforce and bring your business to a new heights.
Expand your voice customer support coverage by providing language-specific assistance 24/7.
Refund processing with validation, ensures refunds are handled in the best and most convenient way for your customers and your business.
A website integrated 24/7 live chat solution for handling incoming customer inquiries in real-time.
Help us devise custom-fit solutions specifically for your business needs and objectives! We help strengthen the grey areas on your customer support and content moderation practices.
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1710/35 Spring Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
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A good company is comprised of good employees. NMS-AU encourages our workforce regardless of rank or tenure to give constructive ideas for operations improvement, workplace morale and business development.